Being new to the blogging world, and having blogged for just over a month already, I thought it would be nice to take a look back on my experience so far to see what (if anything) blogging has taught me. It still seems surreal to me that I blog now, for a long time it was only something I considered starting but never made the big jump to actually do it. So, what are some thoughts on blogging from a newbies perspective?
What do I blog about?
During my first week of blogging I had a solid idea of what I thought I wanted to blog about, all things relating to my interests, which I still do. However I still don't have a specific topic I blog about, my interests are from different areas like learning Korean and nail art; these topics don't really relate to each other but I still want to blog about both. Yet I have a variety of posts, like a mini haul, my most reached for Korean beauty products and a review on the Anti-Journal. With an array of things I blog about I don't quite yet know which blogging category I fall into, or if I will get any followers since it's not all about one topic. This is a worry I have, but I am hoping as I blog more I find my own style and the vibe of my blog will become more clear. I think one of the main points here is blog about what YOU want to blog about. It is your blog, and the wonderful thing is that you can do anything you want with it.
Is there anybody out there?
I hope that there are people out there reading my blog, and maybe even enjoying it! I think one of the biggest worries for most new bloggers is getting people to read their blog, something I am still trying to master! I'd like to share a tip I came across when I was researching starting a blog: Create posts which are shareable. I think this is a great piece of advice, and one which I try to follow. I've noticed some of my posts that I consider 'shareable' are the ones that have the most likes and views. Create posts that will always be useful and relevant, this will help to keep the post 'alive'.
Am I getting enough traffic?
This point kind of continues on from my previous one about getting people to read your blog, or, getting traffic. If you put in the effort to share your posts and comment on other people's blogs it will help you to get more traffic, but you can also find great blogs to follow doing this and new people to talk to. I'm still new to this and don't get many comments on my own blog, but if I enjoy someone else's post I will let them know (as I know how great it feels for someone to comment on mine). If you are interested in connecting with more people or getting more traffic I would suggest sharing your posts in Google + Communities. Find blog groups relevant to what you post and get sharing! I've joined many different communities on Google + and every time I post something that would be relevant to the group I share the post there, and it's a great way to get traffic.
How often should I blog?
Is there a magic number for how often someone should release a new blog post? In my blogging baby steps I am still trying to figure out how much is too much or too little for blog posts, but mostly for myself it depends how busy I am. Lately I have been busy so I haven't blogged for about 10 days, but is this an issue during the early stages? So many questions arise for the newbie blogger that I am, but I am hoping with time I figure it all out.
Being new to blogging I wonder 'Am I doing it right?', is there even a right or wrong when it comes to blogging? Hopefully these thoughts (and worries) as a newbie will fade as I develop as a blogger.
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